Dear all,
recently, I had the idea to add a blog to this page as a more dynamic element and here it is - the start of a blogpost series entitled 'Weekend Photo Walks', mostly in Berlin. My concept will be to portray some of my more recent findings and giving some more detailed information about the creation process. In doing so, I also plan to show some photographs that did not find their way into my galleries, but were mayhaps some kind of a stimulus for the final pieces. Maybe this will help some of you to find abstract photographs or at least serves as an enjoyable "3-minute-something".
The very first images I want to share with you were made on a cold saturday afternoon in February this year. One of those days that really did not invite you to go out for several hours. But as I did not have much time for photography recently, I gave it a try. And surprisingly, I found one of my personal favorites of 2017 so far!
Look at the following wall that caught my eyes:
What I really liked about this facade were the awesome geometrical window designs. The triangular shapes and shadows combined to a wonderful abstract feeling.
My personal approach to photography is to focus on the very basic elements of architecture. The picture above was a start to figure out these basics. After some experimentation I realized that my favorite composition resulted from another viewpoint. The following picture portrays this viewpoint and was a starting point to crop the picture into a 1:1 square format.
As I would have found window details to distract from the abstract shapes I wanted to highlight, I cropped the image in a way that excluded the windows frames.
I was pretty happy with the composition, but of course, it needed some post-processing to accentuate the textures, the different shapes, and to adjust the brightness/tone curve of the photograph. Finally, I decided to convert the image into Black & White as I really liked the different greys and forms that manifested with the desaturation. The following picture was the final result of this process:
I guess it fits seamlessly into my gallery of abstract facades and in the end, I was really happy that I went out for photographing!
Lastly, here are some other compositions of the last weeks that I really enjoyed to take:
Feel free to comment and see you soon for 'Weekend Photo Walks in Berlin (or elsewhere? ;-) ) #2' soon!